Add custom & personal footer with logo in OTRS / Znuny?

In OTRS you can define so called Signatures to add a custom footer. The footer can contain:

  • Logo
  • Images
  • HTML
  • Links

In this article you will learn how to configure your OTRS / Znuny for this.

Configure the personalized Signature first

before we can use a signature / footer, we need to define it first

  • Go to Admin menu
  • go to section Queue Settings
  • click on Signature
  • click on Add Signature
  • Name the Signature e.g.
  • set this Signature to state valid
  • go back to Text area Signature
  • click on Source
  • add following code now
best regards<br />
<br />
&lt;OTRS_FIRST_NAME&gt; &lt;OTRS_LAST_NAME&gt;<br />
<br />
<strong>your optional slogan</strong><br />
<br />
PS: some ps<br />
________________________________________________________________<br />
<img alt="Wikipedia" height="auto" src="" width="150" /><br />
Your Company<br />
Your address 123<br />
Country<br />
<br />
fon: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="tel://+123456789">+123456789</a><br />
Fax: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;+1323456789<br />
Web:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="http:/" target="_blank"></a><br />
<br />
________________________________________________________________<br />
  • now click again Source to see your result
    (you can also edit now also in the WYSIWIG mode)
  • you shall see now something like this
    OTRS/Znuny/Otobo Signature example
  • save it by clicking on Submit

The above Signature is already adding personalized Names of each agent with the Variables/Macros OTRS_FIRST_NAME and OTRS_LAST_NAME.
Also the phone is clickable, so the clients can call you easily by a click on the phone number.

Enable signature

You can enable the signature per Queue

  • Go to Admin menu
  • go to section Queue Settings
  • click on Queues
  • Click on your queue, which shall display the new Signature
  • Go to the field “* Signature:” and select your newly created Signature YourCompany-personal-en-us

On reply or on new e-mails in the selected Queue, your signature will be automatically shown and added. And of course fully personalized by the Agents name with the details in his OTRS/Znuny user.

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Do you need help with Znuny / OTRS?
We have lot of experiences with OTRS and Znuny and can help you with your issues. Get in touch with us and we will check if and how we can help you.

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