How to configure SMTP / Mail sending with OTRS / Znuny?

You need to configure OTRS to access a SMTP (sending mail server). This configuration is mandatory to be able to send and reply to client e-mails/tickets.

  • Now you need to configure OTRS for the first time or you want to change the default behaviour for SMTP?
  • You want to configure the host, username and password for your SMTP access?

Configure SMTP in OTRS / Znuny

To get to the SysConfig go to

  • open Admin Menu
  • go to Section “System Administration”
  • click on SysConfig
    (or use this URL part and append to your OTRS / )
  • search for SendmailModule
  • and click on the module ‘Core::Sendmail
    Otrs Znuny Otobo Sendmail Config

Here you will find now all required settings for your SMTP configuration


You will see this settings page
Otrs Znuny Otobo sendmail smtp config


This configuration defines what protocol you want to use to communicate to your SMTP / sendmail server. Nowadays it shall be default to use SMTPTLS (smtp over TLS) but could also be SMTPS (smtp over old way SSL).

SMTP only is not encrypted and since EU-GDPR regulations you shouldn’t even think about to use it anymore.


This configuration tell the SMTP module to which SMTP server / host the mails shall be sent.


This configuration tell the SMTP module to which SMTP server tcp port the mails shall be sent.


This configuration tell the SMTP module what your SMTP username is.


This configuration tell the SMTP module what your SMTP password is.

Test if configuration is working

Simply try to send a E-Mail via the menu Tickets > New email ticket

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