Allow non-Admins to access Templates in OTRS / Znuny

The template mechanism in Znuny / OTRS and OTOBO is very helpful to automate regular responses.

Your knowledge prerequisites to this article

Recommended roles and groups

As described before, we recommend following.


  • Role_PowerUser_Templates


  • Group_PowerUser_Template_readOnly
  • Group_PowerUser_Template_createModify
  • Group_PowerUser_Template_createModifyDelete

Allowing Templates to be accessible to non-admins

The configuration system is separated into basically to parts.

  1. Who can access the Admin menu/area
  2. Who can access a module like Templates

For the following steps In this article you need to execute this steps in Allow non-Admins access Admin-menu in OTRS / Znuny / OTOBO first!
These steps are mandatory for this article!

Recommended roles and groups

Configure access to the module Templates

Now you need to allow the permissions for the Generic Agent module and UI-navigational part.

Navigational part:

  • open menu Admin
  • click on System Configuration in Section Administration
  • search here for the configuration value Frontend::NavigationModule###AdminTemplate
  • now add in the block “Group” a new row on the same level as the “admin” group already added there, with your group names from above
  • repeat the same for the other groups too

Module access:

Do the same steps for the configuration value Frontend::Module###AdminTemplate

Related articles

Allow non-Admins access Admin-menu in OTRS / Znuny / OTOBO
Allow non-Admins access to Generic Agent OTRS / Znuny?

Do you need help with Znuny / OTRS?
We have lot of experiences with OTRS and Znuny and can help you with your issues. Get in touch with us and we will check if and how we can help you.

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